Laser Hair Removal: Sessions Needed & How It Works | HairMD, Pune


Blog, Laser Hair Removal | Dr Dhanraj Chavan | June 15, 2024

Laser hair removal has emerged as one of the leading choices to get rid of unwanted body hair. But how exactly does this system work? More importantly, how many sessions will I need to take for complete hair removal? These are the most common questions that our patients ask us. So we have got you a detailed blog on the topic. This blog will cover all the essential details about laser hair removal and answer all your common concerns.

Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

Let’s begin 

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a method used to reduce hair growth over time. It targets the hair follicles with concentrated light beams, which are absorbed by melanin (the coloured pigment in hair) in the follicles. This absorption generates heat, which damages the follicles and reduces hair growth. Although it’s not always completely permanent, laser hair removal significantly reduces hair growth, often to the point where further hair removal methods are not needed.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal works by using a concentrated light beam that targets hair follicles. When the laser is directed at the skin, it specifically targets the dark pigment in the hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the melanin, causing the follicles to heat up and be destroyed. This process reduces the hair’s ability to grow back.

How many sessions will you need?

One of the most common questions we receive is about the number of sessions required. The number of sessions depends on several factors, including the colour of your hair and skin, the thickness of your hair, and your hair growth rate.

 Hair Thickness

Thicker hair absorbs more laser energy, which can lead to better results in fewer sessions. If you have thick hair, you might need fewer sessions compared to someone with thinner hair.

 Hair and Skin Color

Darker hair absorbs more laser energy, making it easier to treat. Conversely, light-colored hair, such as blonde or gray, absorbs less laser energy and might require more sessions. Similarly, the contrast between your hair and skin color plays a crucial role. If you have light skin and dark hair, you are likely to see better results faster.

 Growth Rate

Your hair growth rate also affects the number of sessions. Areas with faster hair growth, like the face, might require more frequent sessions, while areas with slower hair growth, like the legs, may need fewer.

 How Does Hair Thickness Affect Laser Hair Removal?

Thicker hair follicles absorb more laser energy, making it easier to destroy them. This means that individuals with thicker hair may see faster results with fewer sessions. However, the opposite is true for those with thinner hair. Thin hair follicles absorb less energy, so they may require more sessions to achieve the desired results.

 How Do Hair and Skin Color Affect Laser Hair Removal?

The laser targets the pigment in the hair follicles, so darker hair colors like black or dark brown absorb more laser energy, leading to better results. If you have lighter hair colors such as blonde or gray, the laser may not be as effective, and more sessions might be necessary. Additionally, the color of your skin plays a role. If your skin is lighter and your hair is darker, the contrast makes it easier for the laser to target the hair follicles without affecting the surrounding skin.

 How Does Hair Growth Rate Affect Laser Hair Removal?

Hair growth rate varies from person to person and from one part of the body to another. Areas with a faster hair growth rate, such as the face, might need more frequent sessions. In contrast, areas like the legs, where hair grows more slowly, may need sessions spaced further apart. This variation affects the total duration of the treatment process.

What About Hormonal Factors?

Hormonal imbalances can significantly affect hair growth. Conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can cause excessive hair growth. If you have a hormonal condition, you might need more sessions to achieve the same results as someone without such a condition. Hormonal changes can also cause previously treated hair to regrow, requiring additional treatments.

How many sessions are typically needed?

On average, people with thick hair and fair skin might see significant results after six to eight sessions. For those with thinner hair or lighter hair colors, eight to twelve sessions might be necessary. Body hair removal usually requires six to ten sessions, depending on the area being treated and the hair’s thickness. If you have a hormonal imbalance, the number of sessions can increase to ten to eighteen.

 What is the typical duration between sessions?

The duration between sessions varies based on the treated area. For facial hair, sessions are usually spaced one to one and a half months apart due to the faster growth rate. Body hair, which grows more slowly, might require sessions spaced one and a half to two months apart. This spacing ensures that the laser targets hair in its active growth phase for the most effective results.

Are there any risks or side effects?

Laser hair removal is generally safe, but there are some potential side effects. These include redness, swelling, and slight skin irritation in the treated area. These effects are usually temporary and subside within a few hours to a couple of days. It’s essential to follow your dermatologist’s pre and post-treatment care instructions to minimize any risks.

How do prepare for laser hair removal?

Proper preparation can enhance the effectiveness of your laser hair removal sessions. Avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least six weeks before treatment, as tanned skin can increase the risk of side effects. Shave the treatment area a day before your session to ensure the laser targets the hair follicles and not the surface hair. Avoid plucking or waxing the hair before your session, as these methods can remove the hair root, making the laser treatment less effective.

Wrapping Up  

Laser hair removal is an effective method to reduce unwanted hair growth. The number of sessions required varies based on hair thickness, colour, growth rate, and hormonal factors. On average, six to twelve sessions are needed for optimal results. However, the exact number of sessions varies for each individual. So, the best way to get an exact answer on the number of sessions you will need is to consult dermatologist. You can also reach out to us for specific answers. Our experts in HairMD are available and ready to assist you!  So feel free to reach out.

Are you looking for hair fall solution? Get in touch with the best of our hair doctors in Pune to cure your hair loss. To book an appointment for a hair treatment or hair transplantation, contact our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

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