
Can I Reverse Grey Hair?


Male Hair Loss- Questions, Questions | Dr Dhanraj Chavan | July 4, 2021

We all dream of having thick, luscious and dark hairs, but not always our dream come true. Isn’t it? Like hair loss, grey hair is also one of the well-known problems faced with everyone. It’s really annoying to deal with such grey hairs. You might also be suffering from grey hairs, and thinking about how you can reverse grey hair. Like wrinkles, grey hairs are also signed of aging. But it’s nothing wrong, as it is the part of our aging process, we need to pass through this stage of life also. I would like to say you, just relax and be confident. 

Are you experiencing hair loss? Get in touch with the best of our hair specialists in Pune to understand your hair condition. For a hair treatment or to get hair transplant, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

I will explain to you in details, about grey hairs and how your hair turns into grey.

Can I reverse grey hair

Why does hair turn grey?

Now we are talking about grey hairs, so let’s find out the reason why our hair turns grey.

  • We all know about keratin is one of the proteins, so this is also responsible for grey hair.
  • As we all grow older the pigmented cells which are present in the hair follicles slowly starts to die can turn hair into grey.
  • Due to the melanin pigment, which is present in the hair follicles, this pigment is responsible for the hair color. As we age, the production of the melanin reduces in our body, which results in grey hairs.
  • It’s also seen the hormones resulting in stress can reduce the melanocyte stem cell resulting in turning into grey hairs.
  •  Low Vitamin B12 deficiency can also turn black hairs to grey.
  • Smoking is one of the causes for greying of hairs in men.

Now, when you know the reasons why hairs turn into grey, so let’s understand about premature greying. As precautions are always better than a cure.

Melanin in Hair

Causes of premature grey hair

  • In case you are aware of genetic factors, it is one of the important factors for premature greying of hairs. If in your family, grey hair problem is there then you need to take care from an early age. It’s very important the early you start the better results. So, start maintaining a good and balanced diet, follow sound sleep, take less stress, have good mental stability etc.
  • Lack of copper, zinc, b vitamins, iron, pantothenic acid in the diet can also result in grey hairs. So it’s better to include those in the diet from the initial period.
  • Using harsh shampoos, improper oiling etc is one of the factors for grey hairs.

After knowing the causes of premature greying of hair, now I will explain to you in which cases grey hairs can be reversible.

How to reverse grey hair?

In very rare cases only grey hairs can be reversed, 10 to 20 % cases result is seen. I will share with you a few points in which the result can be possible.

  • If you are suffering from disease and taking lots of medications, and you suddenly developed grey hairs. In such situations, there are chances to reverse your problem.
  • Consult a dermatologist immediately and start with proper medications like minoxidil, multivitamins, etc as the doctor suggests.
  • Follow a very good diet like include proteins, zinc, copper, vitamins can also help you to reverse your initial phase of the hairs to black.
  • It can be possible not in all age category, but if you young and within 21 years of age, then chances are there to see good results.

Even you need to know these points may or may not work for everyone. There are very fewer % chances to see results.

Treatment for grey hairs

Let’s check the treatment to help in grey hairs.

Actually talking about grey hairs, till now there are no treatments to discover to reverse the process, but premature grey can be controlled and can be reversed. Genetic greying can be delayed if from initial period its taken care.

But, in case you feel my article has helped you then kindly share it with your friends and family. You can even comment to us and let us know if you have further queries.

About the author: Dr. Dhananjay Chavan, a certified dermatologist with an experience of over 30 years in successfully treating patients with hair loss problems. Dr. Chavan is one of the leading dermatologists in India, conducting hair transplant surgeries actively and consistently. He is widely known internationally and has been invited as a faculty, owing to his approach of ‘Cocktail Management’ of hair loss.

Are you looking for hair fall solution? Get in touch with the best of our hair doctors in Pune to cure your hair loss. To book an appointment for a hair treatment or hair transplantation, contact our dermatologists near you, call +919584584111.

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