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1st November, 2023

Do you need to take medication after hair transplant?

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Taking proper medication after a hair transplant is one of the key parameters in the aftercare of hair transplant for better results. In this blog we will look at the right medication regimen you need to undertake after hair transplant surgery to ensure that your transplanted hair stays healthy. 


Table Of Content

  • Care after hair transplant surgery
  • Medicines to be taken after hair transplant
  • How does Minoxidil work?
  • How does Finasteride work?
  • How does Derma Roller work?
  • How does PRP work?
  • When to start medication after hair transplant?
  • Conclusion

Care after hair transplant surgery

  • You can wash your hair after the fifth day of your surgery.
  • Don’t worry if you see a swelling on your face for the first 4-5 days because it is a common occurrence.
  • It is advisable to avoid smoking and drinking for at least 4 weeks after surgery.
  • Don’t scratch your head even if you feel like itching your scalp. 
  • For the first wash after your surgery, you should consult your surgeon for better guidance.
  • Take the prescribed medications after hair transplant carefully. 

Medicines to be taken after hair transplant

After a hair transplant, doctors generally advise having some oral antibiotics and topical antibacterial cream for applying on the open wound for the first few days. Medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride, along with treatments such as Dermaroller, PRP, etc. are usually prescribed.

The most important thing to know first is – What are Minoxidil and Finasteride, and how does it work?

How does Minoxidil work?

  • Usually, Minoxidil is a solution based or foam based. i.e. it is a topical medication for hair regrowth, which is generally prescribed for patients who are suffering from excess hair loss.
  • Minoxidil revives your inactive hair follicles and stimulates new hair growth.
  • The results depend on individual response.
  • You are always advised to take minoxidil after hair transplant under your dermatologist’s guidance as it prolongs the anagen (growing phase) of the hair.

How does Finasteride work?

  • Finasteride is available in both Oral and Topical form and it plays an important role for hair regrowth in men.
  • It helps to control the production of DHT, thus, helping to curb hair thinning.
  • Minoxidil and Finasteride are advised to be used together to stop hair loss and preserve existing hairs with a small percentage of new hair growth.
  • It takes about 3-4 months for positive results to be seen so that the efficacy can be judged.
  • You are always advised to take finasteride after hair transplant under your dermatologist’s guidance.

How does Derma Roller work?

  • Derma Roller is a treatment for hair loss patients to regrow hair.
  • There are many gauges of needle sizes that are used. The needle sizes vary between 0.25mm and 2mm.
  • It helps in improving blood supply into the scalp and stimulates hair growth.
  • Derma roller has been proven to be effective in most cases. But, again It may vary depending on genetics, sex, diet, age, and health condition.

How does PRP work?

  • PRP, also called Platelets Rich Plasma, uses the own blood of patients and active growth factors for this procedure.
  • It increases the blood circulation and blood flow in the scalp.
  • PRP is one of the best supportive treatments before and after hair transplant treatment.

Other medications after hair transplant that can be prescribed are:

Anti-swelling Tablets
Inflammations of the scalp are common among patients who have undergone a hair transplant, as discussed previously. It occurs due to the medications and incisions. Anti-swelling medications either control inflammations from occurring altogether or reduce the existing inflammations after a hair transplant.

The growth of harmful bacteria is common in the areas that have undergone hair plant surgeries. Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent bacterial infections caused as a result of hair transplant.

Hair transplant surgery causes pain like any other surgery. The patient does not experience pain during a hair transplant because it is performed under general anesthesia. But the patient is likely to experience pain after the surgery, when the effects of anesthesia has worn off. Hence, painkiller tablets may be prescribed by the surgeon.

Vitamins and supplements
Vitamins and supplements aid in healing surgical wounds, repairing damaged cells, and boosting of the immune system. As a result, they may be prescribed by the surgeon, as per his/her discretion.

Shampoo and lotion
You may be recommended a lotion and shampoo for 14 days as they help in moisturizing the skin, softening the scabs, and aiding in the healing process. Use your fingertips gently on the grafts, taking care not to harshly rub them. Also, remember not to take showers under high pressure.

Anxiolytic medications
Anxiolytic or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to some patients who experience extreme stress due to the hair transplant surgery. These medications help patients to relax.

The above medications for hair transplant are definitely very necessary after a hair transplant. However, the question that arises is how many days after hair transplant can one start taking these medications.

When to start medication after hair transplant?

  • After 20-30 days of Hair Transplant, you can apply Minoxidil on the scalp, as it will help the transplanted hair to grow in a better way.
  • Finasteride usage is generally never stopped throughout the hair transplant journey. 
  • Derma roller can be used 6 months after Hair Transplant after consulting with your dermatologist.
  • Even PRP, you can use after 1-1.5 months of hair transplant, under dermatologist’s guidance.


In conclusion, taking medication after a hair transplant plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and longevity of your results. While the specific medications recommended can vary depending on individual cases, common prescriptions like antibiotics, pain relievers, and hair growth stimulants such as minoxidil or finasteride are often advised.

These medications help prevent infection, manage discomfort, and promote hair growth, contributing to the overall success of the procedure.

Always follow your doctor’s recommendations closely to achieve the best outcome and maintain the health of your transplanted hair.

You should consult a Dermatologist and your Hair Transplant Surgeon before taking any hair growth medications, whether it be oral or topical.

For more information about Hair Transplants, pre and post op care, speak to a dermatologist.

Book an appointment with a HairMD expert today!

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